For the seventh year in a row, the Temp Diaries is surveying its readers to identify the MOST-LIKED and LEAST-LIKED entertainment executives. Once the results are tallied, they are compiled into something I've called THE BROWN LIST. THE BROWN LIST is designed to serve as a resource for job seekers to answer the question "Do I really want to work for [Hollywood Executive]?"
Nomination is easy. Using the form below:
- Write in your MOST-LIKED entertainment industry executive. [Please include company and title]
- Write in your LEAST-LIKED entertainment industry executive. [Please include company and title]
- Add any comments you feel like about your nominees.
- Hit Submit. All entries are completely anonymous. (See below for more info)
THE BROWN LIST uses American Idol-style
(or a comparable show that's not going off the air) voting. So nominate someone as many times as you want. The deadline
for nominations is October 2, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. I will then tabulate
the results and release them October 16, 2015 which, by no small coincidence, is Boss's Day.
Now get to voting...
For anyone concerned about privacy, this is exactly what I see when you submit your responses. A time stamp and your answers. Nothing more, nothing less.
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