Friday, November 11, 2011

Stupid Interview Questions - Occupational Hazard edition

Success in Hollywood is based on your ability to crush the heart, soul and spirit of your nemesis.  But it's not something you openly discuss and certainly not with a potential employer.  Or perhaps it is?

Thanks to one of my loyal readers, I have today's Stupid Interview Question:

Would you step over everyone in this office to get to the top?

The correct answer to this is, "Everyone but you. And that's because you're already in my rear view mirror."  But feel free to think of your own responses and post them below.

If you have a Stupid Interview Question to share, please send it to or put it in the "Overheard in Hollywood" box to the left. All submissions will remain anonymous.


Anonymous said...

Of course...on my way to the top, but I don't think that stepping on all of the little people here will get me to the summit

Anonymous said...

Based on what I see in this office, it would only take a few small steps.

Anonymous said...

Today, after 4 months of peak performance as a temp - striving to exceed expectations in every way - treated as a non-entity during the holiday festivities - ridiculously underpaid for my skill level, I received an email saying "they thought you were GREAT but have decided this position is no longer needed." There is so much thought leeway here -- but I keep coming back to: is this how you treat someone who has been great? My personal items are still on my desk. I will have tons of emails from people that no one will ever see. I was not given the opportunity to wind things up professionally. It is great to see your site and have an opportunity to vent from someone who has probably been there. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Yay... i agree with you and this sounds great!! Interview Questions

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