ABC is ready to start their "Summer Season." This entails requisite shows with crotch hits (
Wipeout), reality "stars" who won't go away (
The Bachelorette) and another unnecessary vampire show (
The Gates). But my least favorite part of their summer schedule is a show called
Downfall. In this game show, well I'll let Executive Producer Scott St. John
explain it:
"Downfall is a new, hybrid, high-stakes field game show where fearless contestants have to fight and focus hard to keep their winnings from falling off the side of a building."
Now I have nothing against game shows. Nor people winning $1 million for knowing obscure factoids. Nor shows set on the top of buildings. I'm even ok with bad quotes from show runners. But I do have something against mega-corporations destroying perfectly good stuff -- cars, lawn mowers, washing machines -- all in the name of ratings.
I felt exactly the same way when I first saw the commercial for Downfall.
I whole-heartedly agree. This is arsinine! And the commercial is annoying. Your idea of donating the lost prizes is novel and far more interesting.
Given the way ABC pimps SEARS as part of its Extreme Makeover Home Edition, a similar kind of giveaway would be excellent advertising for the manufacturers of the "prizes" on this show.
According to Lisa Horowitz on TheWrap.com, "Fabricated facsimiles of all prizes will be placed on the largest conveyor belt ever seen on TV..."
I suppose that's a little better than destroying the actual prize. But still, I like the donation idea.
There won't be ratings...that show sounds pretty awful. What's the matter with ABC's programming recently?
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