Sadly, not every celebrity grasps this extremely simple concept. Our most recent offender is soon-to-be Hollywood nobody, and current star of the movie Leap Year, Matthew Goode. While doing an interview with a British paper, he said the following of his film...
"It's turgid. I just know that there are a lot of people who will say it is the worst film of 2010...(The location) was the main reason I took it, so that I could come home at the weekends. It wasn't because of the script, trust me...Do I feel I let myself down? No. Was it a bad job? Yes, it was. But, you know, I had a nice time and I got paid."
Yep. He just crapped all over his own movie. Not smart. Not at all.
In related news, I really wonder if Mr. Goode meant to say "putrid" (adj. of very low quality; rotten) or "wretched" (adj. poor, sorry, or pitiful; worthless) rather than "turgid" (adj. inflated, overblown, or pompous; bombastic). Is it possible he can't even poo-poo his own movie properly? We've already established he's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
*Yes, I too am alarmed that there's a station with the call letters KGUN.
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