A friend of mine is a VP in the marketing department of a major studio. A few weeks ago, her assistant quit, so she hired a Temp (me) to fill in until they found someone permanent (perhaps me). The pay was good. The work was easy. And I knew the boss. Nothing wrong with guaranteed income for the foreseeable future.
But this is Hollywood. The town that logic skipped.

Confused, I went into my boss's/friend's office to relay what I'd been told.

I explained it again and hoped for a different response.
"Huh?" she asked again. Clearly this was news to her too.
Well, as it turns out, her boss (someone I'd never met and who didn't even work in building) decided to do someone a favor and give that person a gig. The hiccup in the plan is he neglected to tell either of the two main players -- my boss or me -- about this.

I guess it's not that funny of a story after all.
That sucks. I'm going to Legoland tomorrow and can use someone to clean up the house and maybe do some gardening while I'm out. I can take you out for a beer afterwards (well maybe the next day).
You know where to find me if you want the gig.
I hate that. I've never been outed from an assignment due to "scratch my back IOU's" but I've had assignment bosses keep massive secrets, and pop them on you out of no where. I know it hurts because it was a friend---or someone you thought was a friend.
Who doesn't enjoy a moment or two of zoned-out austic bliss?
Helps me keep my pan-global groove from getting the best of me.
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