Yep. Dumped. Booted. Evicted like Ruth Madoff from her Upper East Side penthouse. Nikki erased her 12/4/08 posting about the Hollywood Temp Diaries.*
I don't know what I did to achieve this level of ignominy. Sure I've scooped her a few (10) times. And, yes, I pointed out that she probably should call Vince McMahon before grousing about getting duped by a publicity stunt. But heck, Roger Ebert shat all over Darling Nikki back in 2006 and she hasn't sacked that posting. In fact, I believe I'm the first posting in the history of Deadline Hollywood to receive this unceremonious heave-ho.

Or perhaps it's Nikki's way of apologizing. If so, "Apology Accepted."
*For those of you who missed it, she offered info about my site but suggested I was simply attempting to "exploit" recent layoffs at NBC through my blog. I countered the following day by posting my earnings statement from the Social Security Administration. I haven't been on a date since.
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