I had a great idea for today's posting. I was gonna stay up and do a blog-along with the debut of
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, but I already had a stomach ache and didn't feel like complicating matters. Had I done it, it probably would have read something like this...
12:30 a.m. It's show time. Jimmy Fallon is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
But rather than bore you with a critique of another bad Ben
Silverman decision (redundancy, I know), I'll just do a few more entries into the Hollywood Dictionary. Use these terms in conversation and confuse your friends.
DBNR -- Not to be confused with
MGMT (a music group),
ATGC (genetic sequencing), ESPN (the sports cable network), TARP (the bailout package for the banks) or
DBNRRC (Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center), this means Dictated But Not Read. You'll typically put this at the end of a memo that's so needless as to make you wonder why you wrote it and why your boss is sending it. Think of it this way, if it was actually important, wouldn't your boss look at it?
Hip Pocket Client -- This is basically the "booty call" of clients -- all payoff with no effort. It's someone your boss doesn't help get work and doesn't pay any attention to, but if the person gets a gig on their own, your boss will gladly take the 10 percent fee. You'll recognize a hip pocket because he/she is good looking enough to merit consideration, but can't act his/her way out of a paper bag. They may also have done a lot of acting back home -- in Azerbaijan.
CB -- C.W. McCall had a #1 hit in 1975 with the song
"Convoy". It's really an awful song that probably inspired such other crap as "
Pac-Man Fever", "
General Hospi-Tale" and anything from
Miley Cyrus. The one semi-positive influence it had was it started the CB craze that lasted until the movie
Convoy came out in 1978. But in Hollywood, CB simply means "Call Back." So next time you
IM your boss that his least favorite client is on the phone, and he responds "CB," you can just reply "10-4 good buddy." C.W. McCall would be so proud.
Put a Pin in It -- Often used in when scheduling meetings (and for later bailing out of meeting).
Can she do a 3 o'clock meeting with David Lander?
I'm not sure. But put a pin in it.
It offers all the certainty of having something penciled in. Or better put, your boss is waiting for anything better to do and will ask you to cancel the meeting at the last minute because of a "scheduling conflict" (read -
1 comment:
the first time i saw "DBNR," i thought it was some obscure academic degree necessary to become an agent, but now i know it stands for "douche bag, not realperson."
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