Want proof? The manual at the place I'm at this week -- 15 pages! In the immortal words of G.O.B. Bluth, "Come on!"

15 pages?! Freud's analysis of man's place in the Universe as detailed in Civilization and its Discontents is only 70 pages longer. Shit, if Freud can distill the meaning of life into 82 pages, the instruction manual for [Name Redacted]'s desk should be one word, "Do."

15 pages?! The first draft of Hank Paulson's $700 billion bailout of the collapsing banking system was 3 pages. Granted it was probably a bit short, but that means working on [Name Redacted]'s desk is 5 times harder than saving the global capitalism?
Assistants. I love you people. And some day, I aspire to be one of you. Well, mostly because I just want a decent health care plan and paid vacation. But get over yourselves. It's not as complex as you make it sound. Stop "Rolling" with your boss as if it's some kind of sport. Try inserting an object in your sentence instead of just saying "Can I have him return?" And most of all, don't make your instruction manuals for Temps 15 pages. The contracts your clients sign aren't that long nor are they as complex. Everyone knows your job sucks. I know it sucks, You know it sucks. And we all know it's a shitty step to get anywhere in this town. But let's all make a collective pact that we make things easy for each other.
With that in mind, I'd like to offer the following that every assistant use from now on.
Step 1 -- When the phone rings, answer it and follow instructions.Is that easy enough?
Step 2 -- Wait for the next call.
SERIOUSLY! That is a mess. If all the Assistants and Temps banded together, Hollywood would be a far less obnoxious place to work.
Assistants and temps banding together reminded me of how the Jets and Sharks both team up to mock Krupke in "West Side Story."
Hang in there Temp X. While you do have to put up with quite a lot, you handle it with a good sense of humor. Good Luck.
On the upside that's 14 extra pages of reading material to kill time with for what will probably be another painfully boring assignment.
Read slowly.
I temped for like 10 years and may have to do it again. Oh, how I wish you were at all of my temp jobs! Would have been more fun to have a live discussion about where best I should put the razor.
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