But this is the industry we've chosen. So if you want to research what's selling, get inspired to write your screenplay or find out what you missed at the premiere you coordinated (but weren't invited to), here's some ways to see new releases on the cheap:

TIP: This is when families take their kids to movies, so be smart and watch something rated R. It'll be a lot quieter.
Test Screenings -- Do you like talking to marketing execs? Wanna see a movie before they've tacked on the "Hollywood ending?" Then this might be the thing for you. Sure the movie might not be in its final form, but it's either that or pay full price. And when you're done filling out the evaluation forms, you and your friends can wonder if the marketing guys will be too chicken to tell the producers that you think the film sucked. Sign up at http://www.movie-view.com/
DVD Pirates (Various Street Corners) -- Love new movies

Note: The video might be interrupted when the person holding the Handi-cam has to go to the bathroom.
Studio Lots (All the majors) -- Step #1 - Get a temp gig at a studio. Step #2 - Make friends with someone who can get you into a studio screening. Step #3 - Go to the screening. It's actually a lot easier than it sounds. Heck, if the anti-social Temp X can get invites to screenings of The Simpsons, Jackass 2 and Reno 911 -- anyone can do it. Movies are free, parking is easy and there aren't any previews. Cinematic nirvana.

For theater hopping (which, of course, I'd never recommend; it's just wrong. Maybe.) take a look at http://doublefeaturefinder.com/. It'll show you when movies begin and end, so you can plan your whole day at the theater.
my god you are a rich rich assistant if $12 is 1 hour's worth of work. I think that's about 1.5 hour worth of soul sucking hell for most. Good for you. :)
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