Temp X was planning on posting a poll today about Space Chimps vs. Batman and who would win
a feces throwing competition, but alas the news of Hollywood saved the day. I'd like to call today Xerox Friday, for there is news of not one, not two but three more movie remakes. Temp X is going to provide a brief analysis of each.Note: The number in parenthesis indicates the film's U.S. box office rank. Clearly there was demand for each of these films.Valley Girl (#2492) -- The 1983 comedy was on
no one's radar
screen until it played last Sunday at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. I'd say that's a fitting place for a movie like this to stay. Among the dead. Sure it's cute.
And it'll feed into/off of the retro-irony fad that was so 2004 (Hollywood execs are late for everything, huh?). But if hair feathering comes back, I'm gonna know who to blame.
10 (#592) -- Before we get started,
I'll bet you $100 (that's a full day's pay for a Temp) Megan Fox is cast in the role of Bo Derek. I'll give you odds. But the question remains, will the "Baywatch Generation" care
about another slow motion bikini jog? I think that ship has sailed, no matter what Ms. Fox isn't wearing. Let's hope
Bolero's "Ravel" doesn't get replace by something from Brian Austin Green's album
One Stop Carnival.Papillon (#938) -- From the looks of it,
this project is more about
finding a tax shelter than any interest in remaking a good movie.
Variety reports that most of the film's financing is coming from high net-worth investors through the Canary Islands' RIC.
Curious about the RIC, Temp X did a little research into it and learned the following, "The Special Economic & Fiscal Regime of the Canary Islands (REF), while not considered a 'tax haven' as it is governed by Spanish Legislation and fully authorized by the European Union, is the most favourable in Europe."
Translation -- "It's a tax haven, but we need to call it something else." If you don't believe me,
read it yourself.

Happy Xerox Friday
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