With this in mind, there is only one thing to say to all of my Temporary Brothers and Sisters: one day we shall rise up and take control of Hollywood. We shall run the studios, write the great films and television shows, manage the great talent, act like the great muses of history and drink from the chalice we so richly deserve to sip from. We will be delivered from our indentured temporary servitude and achieve the fruits of our labor like health insurance, paid vacation, lunches that aren't exactly 3600 seconds. We will be able to rip up our time sheets, throw away the business cards of our pimps, ignore the UTA job lists and most importantly, be called something other than "Temp." Join hands with me. Fight for what you deserve and never, never give up the struggle. I can assure you that when we do, it will be the sweetest day. Then we can yell at interns, spit out poorly brewed coffee in disgust and make others endure the pain of spending hours fighting with the photocopier. This day will happen. All I ask is that you ..."Believe."

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